Driving safe this winter
The weather in the UK is more up and down than the annual talent on reality shows; one year we can be hit with more snow than we've seen for years and the next winter season is mild and we barely have time to get the scarf and gloves out. At Diamond, we like to be prepared for every eventuality which is why we've pulled together some tips to get you through the winter.
Take care on the road
If you're involved in an accident this winter, don't let your breakdown provider leave you out in the cold. Call Diamond direct and we'll ensure that your vehicle is recovered.
Also try to take some of these details which will help with processing your claim.
- Drivers name and contact details including address
- Any witness details
- Any injuries in your vehicle and/or any other vehicles involved
- Any passenger information
Remember not to sit in your vehicle or stand in close proximity; it's bad enough your car is damaged without another vehicle having a similar accident and causing you to sustain an injury.
For useful numbers and who to contact when you have an accident visit our make a claim page.
Winter driving tips
Some of these might be obvious but if it avoids an accident or breakdown on a frosty winter evening then we think it's worth repeating.
Plan your route and listen to the weather forecast
If you do need to take your car out on the road this winter, then think about the route in advance, stick to the main roads wherever possible and drive only for as long as necessary.
Check tyre pressure
A common myth is that your tyres need to be pumped up and raring to go but this couldn't be more wrong. In frosty or icy conditions you will actually get more grip by slightly deflating your tyres to get more surface coverage.
Make time for braking
Another one you might think is obvious but our claims department deal with lots of calls over the winter period where people haven't had time to brake in icy situations. Remember, if the weather is bad increase the distance between you and other vehicles.
Keep calm
Driving at your normal pace in wintery conditions and coming up to a bend could result in you losing control of the car if it goes into a skid or slide. A simple thing of depressing the clutch and gradually steering into a skid rather than slamming on the brakes could make the difference between you getting home on time or standing on the side of a road waiting for a recovery truck.
Windscreen repair
Our claims team also get calls for windscreen repair when people have been in a rush to get to work or do the school run and pour hot water over the windscreen in an attempt to unfreeze. Best case scenario the water will re-freeze and cause you to be even later, worst case scenario it re-freezes and cracks your windscreen! In icy weather it would be better to get out 10 minutes earlier, turn your heaters on to a low heat and get scrapping with a soft edged windscreen scraper!
Winter essentials you wouldn't want to be without...
It's always tempting to leave the boot of your car empty ready for shopping trips and weekends away but over the winter months it's probably worth sacrificing the space for that last shopping bag and putting in some essentials such as:
- Replacement antifreeze and some jump leads
- A blanket
- Some warm clothes
- Bottled water
- A torch with batteries
- A fully charged mobile phone and an in car charger
For more information on our breakdown cover visit our breakdown page.