About Diamond
Who are we?
Diamond Car Insurance launched in June 1997 specialising in cheaper car insurance shaped for women drivers; and have been offering car insurance quotes on the Internet since 2000.
Diamond has always been passionate about providing cheaper car insurance quotes for women; and we've always been advocates that women should pay less for car insurance because they are better drivers.
However from the 21st December 2012, a new law introduced by the European Court of Justice has enforced a ban meaning insurance companies are no longer able to calculate insurance premiums based on gender.
This could mean that you might see some changes to your car insurance premiums, but what you won't see is a change to Diamond's Car Insurance... shaped just for you!
Click here to find out more about the Insurance EU Gender Law change.
Diamond Car Insurance offers a fully Comprehensive policy which includes the following benefits as standard: Courtesy Car (whilst your car is under repair at one of Diamond's approved garages), 24 hr road side recovery helpline, up to £300 Handbag cover, up to £300 Child Car Seat cover and up to £1,250 audio cover or 15% of the value of your car, whichever is lowest, not to mention access to exclusive competitions and offers.

Child Seat Cover is included as standard on all comprehesive policies